Monday, June 11, 2018

How to defend in Territory War

June 2018
With a Territory War around the corner, I wanted to post some helpful advice for winning -- these tips are aimed at guilds in the 100m to 140m brackets. Above or below, these strategies will need to be adapted. Also, SUPER IMPORTANT, if a battle starts to go sideways, retreat or force quit if you haven't taken anyone out. Even if you take some people low on health, they might have an opportunity to recover. Since they start with full TM, you might have a hard time taking them out. There are some exceptions to this, but generally it's better to restart and lose your team 5 points than to make an unkillable, TM loaded team.
We will have to start with a board and an easy way to reference them, we've got Fleets 1 and 2, Top 1 through 4 (squads only), and Bottom 1 through 4. 
I've seen a lot of guilds try to use trap builds, and every single time, it's been a bad idea. Instead, I would recommend rock solid squads in T1 and B1. While squad power is a pretty bad system for judging squads, you don't want anything less than 90k in those territories (I'm assuming you're in the 110m+ range for guild GP). There are two squads that perform best here:
1) CLS, Han Solo, Chirrut, Baze, Captain Han Solo

2) EP, Sion, DN, SiT, Vader

There are a lot of variations to each comp, but these are the ideal squads for TW (unless you have Traya to sub for Vader). For the CLS squad, you really need CLS's ibat zeta and Han Solo's zeta, and the other zetas all improve your team. EP's leader zeta and Sion's zeta are both essential, while the others are just important. I would recommend a mixed front (e.g. 10-15 CLS and EP squads in each T1 and B1).
Proper modding is critical to success for these squads. CLS: healthy dose of speed, but I'd recommend a CD set with CD triangle, and CC, Potency, or health secondary set. Prot circle and either prot or offense square. Han Solo wants similar mods, but he can lose some speed to improve his CC and offense secondaries -- I run him around 200 speed. Baze just wants lots of health, and needs no speed. 40k+ health is recommended. Chirrut wants health and speed -- extra damage is good but not necessary. Captain Han Solo also wants health and speed. While this team is no longer top of the line (thanks EzPz), if it goes undefeated in one round, your opponents will have to throw a lot at it to finish it off. Also, these comps have a nasty way of eating up your opponents resources for later phases.
EzPz: EP wants high speed and high offense -- your choice of sets. CD is not recommended because he has low special CC. CC, Potency, and health are all great secondary sets. He usually doesn't need a potency cross (due to his leader), but it isn't bad for him either. I like to run offense/cc sets, with cc triangle. Sion wants speed and/or health. DN needs speed and whatever comes with it. He does decent special damage, but speed trumps all else. SiT wants tons of prot with as much flat def as you can load on him. Vader I would run with speed/cc sets, and CD tri. Lots of speed, any CC you can give him is good.
You're probably already asking: Why don't we want all the CLS in one zone, and all the EP in another? There are a lot of good ways to run the front defense, but most guilds take a few minutes to look at the front territories before deciding a path. Giving them less information means they don't know what's behind those territories.
The next territory you should care about is T3, because no matter what route your opponents choose, if they make it through two territories, they will find this one. A good opponent will make it here regardless of your front wall. I would start by filling in with any remaining 90k+ CLS/EP squads. By the third wall, these comps will be even more brutal to face. From there, anything else that's hard to kill (see T2/B2).
T2/B2: These are both important territories to hold down. If you still have any EP/CLS squads left, I would mix them top and bot. From there, I would look into any FO squads your guild might have -- primarily zzMatt (Kylo), zFOST, FOE, zBarriss, Kylo Ren. The second squad I like here is zMaul. Yeah, he's a million years out of date, but he still eats up some valuable resources from your opponents. I wouldn't put zetas here on priority, but there's a decent chance some members used those zetas in the early days -- zSavage, SA, Dooku, zSid, and Marauder are all good choices here. Finally, fill in with your Phoenix squads. These guys hit up a notch on defense, and will just wear down some not terrible units your opponents have. Another squad I really like is zzThrawn, DT, DK, Shore, Storm. Thrawn is super valuable on offense, but this squad is a hell-comp later on in a match.
B3, T4, and B4 can all be filler -- but I'd recommend using some  teams with strong synergy, like Phoenix, just to wear your opponent out a little bit. You need to save some offensive strength, you'll see I haven't mentioned JTR or NS, who are both excellent on defense, but I think you're better off saving them for your opponents' CLS/EzPz/JTR walls.

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